Author Archives: martin brown

New posts on Regen Notes

Hi, here is an update on recent (Feb 2023) Regen/Notes newsletter.

If you haven’t done so you can subscribe to Regen/Notes and receive news and updates directly

What’s in a name?

Addressing plant blindness key for a nature-positive future.

What does good ‘feel’ like?

Finding time and space to talk about hope.

thinking biophilia 

nature … is it only everything other than what is human?

Green Masking? has become a many-headed beast.

Nature – a game of numbers and spreadsheets?

“the right of all species to exist for their own sake”

Could our Lost Rain Forests be saved? (update)

Restoring … the potential of Britain’s lost rainforests for carbon, biodiversity and health on our doorstep.


Reflecting on Imbolc: its Relevance to Regenerative Sustainability

If you enjoy these posts, you can buy me a coffee here.

Regen / Notes

Regular readers and subscribers to my Fairsnape blog here will be aware that I have shifted platforms to a substack called Regen/Notes that provides a better blogging experience as a email based newsletter.

If you have enjoyed my blog posts here (and they go back to 2007) please do pop over and read or subscribe there. There is also much content here on this site so it won’t be abandoned (see pages on About, Zoom Regenerative, Publications and Downloads)

Recent posts over on the substack Regen Notes pages have been on a COP27 and COP15 theme of nature-positive, including …

Gie me ae spark o’ Nature’s fire …

Living nature-positive buildings as rainforests and terrariums embracing biogenic materials and biophilic thinking.

Nature isn’t protected and biodiversity decline isn’t reversed by COP15 promises alone …

What the COP15 agreement should mean for the built environment

What is Regeneration

Life Centric Design

2023 / 2022 LookForward LookBack 

A prediction for 2023 & a look back at 2022 most read Regen Notes

A Paris moment for nature.

What If COP15 Montreal could cultivate a regenerative built environment.

Biophilic-seekers: Let new names take and root and thrive and growBiophilic-seekers:

Morning from Felizitas

Our Living Future Europe Biophilic Camp that took place over 4 days at FeliZitas Sud-Tyrol in the Italian Dolomites was a truly nourishing and grounding experience.

Read the latest Regen Notes for notes, thoughts, texts, images ..

The ‘retreat’ brought into being something that will stay with me, and all of us, for a very long time, with the conviction that more, all, regenerative sessions and biophilia events should be like this … co-creating conditions for all life to thrive … through nurturing our own personal, inner biophilia.

Have you subscribed to Regen Notes so you can follow the regenerative thread newsletter?

Much Aldo About Everything

an awakening of ecological conscience. … The latest Fairsnape Regen/Notes Substack newsletter covers the continuing importance and influence of Aldo Leopold,

A deep chesty howl echoes, from Rimrock to Rimrock, rolls down the mountain and fades into the far blackness of the night. It is an outburst of defiant sorrow and contempt for all the adversaries of the world. 

Every living thing (perhaps many a dead one as well ) pays heed to that call. Yet behind obvious immediate hopes and fears, there lies a deeper meaning, known only to the mountain itself. Only the mountain has lived long enough to listen objectively to the howl of the Wolf

Perhaps this is behind Thoreau’s dictum “in wildness is the salvation of the world” … the howl of the Wolf, long known among mountains but seldom perceived among men.

Aldo Leopold. Sand County Almanac

With current interpretation, we can see the howl of Leopold’s wolf as nature’s howl against climate stress and collapse, in contempt of us humans, adversaries not advocates, a howl that only mountains and nature are tuned to understand, yet unheard by us.

Aldo Leopold photo_2

Continue reading over on Regen / Notes

You can also catch up with over 50 regenerative posts on Regen / Notes – and support by liking, sharing and subscribing

Driving heat reflections …

Reflections on driving on what will be the coolest 11 July for years, if not decades to come.

Even though it was the hottest of the year so far, it may well be the coolest 11th of July for years and decades into the future. 

On the hottest day of the year so far, I had reason to do something I had not done for a good while, in fact since before Covid, to drive a fair distance on business-related activities. Like many other drivers I had air-conditioning cranked up, but unlike many grateful for having an EV particularly given current high fuel costs.

Driving long distances gives that time for reflection and thinking. Like musing on the potential from an EV, which in current hot temperatures and a warm battery gave improved capacity and improved efficiency of miles per kwhr. OK its not perfect, given the battery sourcing issues, and energy to charge the battery has to come from somewhere, in this case, a mix of renewables and unknown from public chargers.

Read more on Regen Notes

Regen Notes is the newsletter of regenerative gleanings, news, stories and more, with a sideways focus on the built environment, connecting spaces between dots, sharing ideas, themes and individuals that invigorate and inspire …


“We think place is about space but in fact its about time” 

Rebecca Solnit: The Faraway Nearby

The most recent Regen/Notes explores Place …. and forever chemicals

Place in the vast scope of time 

Within the built environment we to often consider ‘place’ as the snap shot of the present, rarely considering all that has occurred in the past, in deep time, those geological, ecological and cultural events that shape the place we see today. Or indeed to consider how our short term plans have long term consequences in “the vast scope of time” … more

Forever Chemicals

It is fifty years since the first instalment of Silent Spring made its debut in The New Yorker. Those instalments went on to become the book that started the environmental movement in the 1970’s yet sadly remains too relevant and current.

The substances and pesticides that Rachel Carson talked about are today known as forever chemicals, in an odd recognition of their consequences though future time, yet with our continued use of them in everyday products. And in the case of construction through COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) as though we can can control their impact ‘for ever’. … more

Read the full Regen Notes here – and please do consider supporting by sharing and taking a subscription

What’s Your Regen Conversation

The latest Regen/ Notes newsletter “What’s Your Regen Conversation” explores Potentialism, Eco Reads, Bread, Ride with Nature, Place, Home Health, Living Product Challenge, Digital Design, Warming Stripes + Zoom Regenerative

Read, Like and Subscribe to Regen/ Notes here

Regen/ Notes also features upcoming on line and in person regenerative events:

9th June: Is your home trying to kill you?

Ann Vanner, Regenerative Practitioner, Senior Lecturer in Architecture and Architectural Technology, will talk about how profoundly our lives are shaped and impacted by the places we call home at an event in Preston on the 9th of June at 18:00 Registration and details here 

10th June: Introduction Regenerative Social Housing 

We all have a role to play and as a housing sector we need to start changing the way that we think about sustainability. 

Echelon has teamed up with regenerative sustainability provocateurs and consultants Martin Brown and Anna Williamson to deliver a programme exploring regenerative principles within the social housing sector. The regenerative sustainability subgroup, delivered through our best practice club AMIP, will bring together organisations to move their environmental, social and sustainability approaches beyond business as usual to a regenerative approach that delivers real value and benefit. 


Email for more information. 

14th June: A Journey in Regenerative Materials 

Zoom Regenerative continues its journey of raising awareness, joining the dots and celebrating regenerative journeys on 14th June. Walter Lourie and Georg Klampfer at MAFI-Walk On Art share a made for zR factory video premier, featuring Living Product Challenge, Declare and regenerative forestry insights. 

Join our community of regenerative future seekers on the 17th, hear the MAFI story, along with our gathering space, one-to-one chats and inspiring Regen/ conversations.

Registration and details here 

16th June: Regenerative Design in Digital Practice

Living Future Europe’s show case of digital tools for a regenerative design. Registration and details here 

21 June: Climate Conversations 

June 21st is #ShowYourStripes day. How will you use and display the warming Stripes to start conversations on climate change? 

The Small Book with the Big Conversation Potential

Our Regenerative Playbook is available to read online at But do leave a comment if you would like to purchase a hard copy to kick start regenerative conversations in your organisation.

Earthday 2022

“What, I wondered would the world look like if industrialised civilisation had been designed in concert with the fundamental principles of ecology“

The latest edition of Regen/ Notes features Denis Hayes as coordinator and cofounder of the Earthday movement back in 1970. The theme for 2022 is Invest in Our Planet.

Read, like and subscribe to the Regen/ Notes here.

“The earth laughs with flowers” Ralph Waldo Emerson, (Wildflower meadow at Cuerden Valley Park April 2022)

The Regenerative Playbook

Lets dare to do things differently 

The Regenerative Playbook landed at the World Book Day Zoom Regenerative special event on the 1st of March. Below we present a collection of comments, observations and reviews from the launch, and on the playbook.

Joanna Watchman: Last night, we had the great pleasure of launching The Regenerative Playbook – a collaboration with (and for) two incredible changemakers, Anna Williamson MSc, FRSA, LFA & Martin Brown. It was inspired by the Content Coms Little Books series which have been such a force for good. Both Anna and Martin (kick-starters of Zoom Regenerative) give far more than they ever receive or ask for in return. I urge anyone who is looking to “go beyond sustainability with aspirational and transformational ideas” to download it. Also, a huge thank you to Josie Warden at the RSA for her inspirational foreword. 

The Regenerative Playbook is all about taking things to the next level with sustainability. A journey that all of you – and your customers – find yourself upon. Joanna Watchman

We need to be regenerative. But what does this mean? 

As this playbook shows, it means asking different and better questions, ones which can help us to recognise and work with the true interdependencies of our living world; it means nurturing the potential that all people and communities already have to be sources of health for all life on earth and giving that potential space to grow and be realised; and it means working not only to change ‘out there’ but also to change ‘in here’, our own mindsets and behaviours, and those of our organisations. Josie Warden

Martin Brown: “Against the backdrop of Monday’s IPCC report that triggered headlines of the earth hurtling to destruction, the Regenerative Playbook provides a framework for moving sustainability beyond business as usual through asking better and different questions. By seeing ourselves as part of rather than apart from the living systems that sustain us. As Robin Wall Kimmerer has often said “had we respected the earth, learned from our elders, taken only what was needed and used what we had taken, then today we wouldn’t fear our own atmosphere”. 

Regenerative Playbook

The Regenerative Playbook is in many ways a milestone, the cumulative effort of two years of Zoom Regenerative’s, journey and opens a new chapter. In addition to our nourishing Tuesday regen gatherings, the playbook adds deeper and wider advocacy, nursing and support for those embarking on regenerative journeys. I am honoured and humbled to be part of such a vibrant regenerative collaborative of awesome friends from around the world”

Josie’s words regarding ‘those communities who have stewarded traditional knowledge about how to live in good relationship with our world’ resonates with Anna, and she asks:

Anna Williamson: Are technical solutions the answer? “I used to think that the top global environmental problems were biodiversity loss, ecosystem col­lapse, and climate change. I thought that with thirty years of good science we could address these problems, but I was wrong. The top environmental problems are selfishness, greed, and apathy, and to deal with these we need a spiritual and cultural transformation. And we scientists don’t know how to do that.”— Gus Speth, American environmental attorney and past dean of the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies

Foundational wisdom can guide and teach: “(to) our brothers and sisters out there, get to know where you live, because it’s place-based. The land is alive, the rivers are alive, the living systems are alive, the birds and the fish – everything communicates. Don’t see yourself as a human being as elitist and above other living systems.” – Dr. Anne Poelina, Indigenous community leader, human and earth rights advocate.

The Regenerative Playbook seeks to help businesses and organisations translate foundational wisdom into their own culture, to deliver regenerative practice that sticks.

For more information on the Regenerative Playbook see Regen/ Notes 32

And the reviews are in … 

I’m up to my eyeballs with Zoom which I love but the most nourishing has been your zRegen series – really fantastic to meet such a broad selection of people with such wonderful ideas. This sense of accessibility and advocacy to wider networks is really very core.  John Ennis

A jewel of a book, a guide for the future, a blueprint for change…however you describe it, this is a publication that anyone that cares about where we go from here should own and read! What a great collaboration! I’ll share the Regenerative Playbook far and wide. Terry John

On the zoom regen (Playbook) meeting with some amazing collaborations and working at going about things a different way. Excellent meeting of the mind and spirit of regeneration. A very fulfilling engagement indeed.  Walter Lourie

Thank you for both hosting such an energising evening yesterday, and for forwarding a link to join as well … the uplift was exactly what I needed. Look forward to seeing what comes next – all the very best. Scott McAulay

I am part of a postgraduate (Building Beyond Borders)and we will have an exhibition in Belgium together with the studio BC architects soon in april. Its about experimenting with regenerative / circular/ biodiversity positive/ waste materials within the postgraduate studio of Building Beyond Borders. One part of the exhibition is a library of books that works inspiring for the visitor. Maybe this regenerative playbook can be presented as well. Jasper Goris

I love that point about mindful connection being the start. Emphasises that it’s a daily mindset habit and not something you do as a wellbeing modality. Great conversation everyone. An antidote to the bleakness of events in the last few days. It’s so good to be part of a network of hopeful, positive, heartful and mindful people. I was thinking this morning how the playbook looks like the wisdom cards I use with my students when I teach meditation. It has that spirit of ‘invitations to reflect’. Beautiful. Sophie Lacey

100 copies for Belgium! Alexander Mijts

I’ve just seen the playbook. Congratulations – it’s excellent. Chloe Bullock

Definitely will work as a conversation starter in class! Congrats on your achievements with this book. Giovanna Di Monte-Milner

Just what I needed today after the devastation of floods pushing the war down the front pages of the news today… sigh. There is a better world out there – lets help concrete it 🙂 Caroline Pidcock

Thank you so much for this inspiring and hopeful book launch! I look forward to the hard copy book (and will start reading the soft copy) 😉 Britt Puhlmann

It was a lovely event last night. Thought provoking conversations in the company of good and supportive humans was just what we needed after the last few days. Well done for launching the playbook. Ordered it and will review soon!  Oliver Riley

Wonderful conversations and observations as ever! Well done to Martin Brown and Anna Williamson & congratulations on the Regenerative PlaybookAnn Vanner

Great publication Martin. Well done. Inspiring as ever! Vassos Chrysostomou.

Would be great to share it in The Ecosystem Incubator, as we are bridging a lot there – and good to give to clients too. Rachel Sheila Kan

Downloaded and have to agree it is a great read. A thought provoking read too. Michael McGowan

If all this sounds good you can access your copy of The Regenerative Playbook here. (And no, you won’t be bombarded with emails if you complete the contact form)

If you’d like a hard copy, or to order multiple copies for company libraries and reception areas, please get in touch and we can quote you – and we are only looking to cover printing, postage and admin costs.

Regen/ Notes

Subscribe to Regen/ Notes

This post appeared first on Regen/ Notes  a newsletter of regenerative news, stories and more, with a sideways focus on the built environment, curated by Martin Brown. It is a companion to our Regen/ Zoom activities where we connect the spaces between regenerative dots, sharing ideas themes and work that invigorates and inspires.

The Regenerative Playbook Reviews

Lets dare to do things differently 

The following was originally posted to the Regen/ Notes newsletter. You can follow, like and subscribe here.

The Regenerative Playbook landed at the World Book Day Zoom Regenerative special event on the 1st of March. Below we present a collection of comments, observations and reviews from the launch, and on the playbook.

Joanna Watchman: Last night, we had the great pleasure of launching The Regenerative Playbook – a collaboration with (and for) two incredible changemakers, Anna Williamson MSc, FRSA, LFA & Martin Brown. It was inspired by the Content Coms Little Books series which have been such a force for good. Both Anna and Martin (kick-starters of Zoom Regenerative) give far more than they ever receive or ask for in return. I urge anyone who is looking to “go beyond sustainability with aspirational and transformational ideas” to download it. Also, a huge thank you to Josie Warden at the RSA for her inspirational foreword. 

The Regenerative Playbook is all about taking things to the next level with sustainability. A journey that all of you – and your customers – find yourself upon. 

Joanna Watchman

We need to be regenerative. But what does this mean? 

As this playbook shows, it means asking different and better questions, ones which can help us to recognise and work with the true interdependencies of our living world; it means nurturing the potential that all people and communities already have to be sources of health for all life on earth and giving that potential space to grow and be realised; and it means working not only to change ‘out there’ but also to change ‘in here’, our own mindsets and behaviours, and those of our organisations. 

Josie Warden

Martin Brown: “Against the backdrop of Monday’s IPCC report that triggered headlines of the earth hurtling to destruction, the Regenerative Playbook provides a framework for moving sustainability beyond business as usual through asking better and different questions. By seeing ourselves as part of rather than apart from the living systems that sustain us. As Robin Wall Kimmerer has often said “had we respected the earth, learned from our elders, taken only what was needed and used what we had taken, then today we wouldn’t fear our own atmosphere”. 

Regenerative Playbook

The Regenerative Playbook is in many ways a milestone, the cumulative effort of two years of Zoom Regenerative’s, journey and opens a new chapter. In addition to our nourishing Tuesday regen gatherings, the playbook adds deeper and wider advocacy, nursing and support for those embarking on regenerative journeys. I am honoured and humbled to be part of such a vibrant regenerative collaborative of awesome friends from around the world”

Martin Brown

Josie’s words regarding ‘those communities who have stewarded traditional knowledge about how to live in good relationship with our world’ resonates with Anna, and she asks:

Anna Williamson: Are technical solutions the answer? “I used to think that the top global environmental problems were biodiversity loss, ecosystem col­lapse, and climate change. I thought that with thirty years of good science we could address these problems, but I was wrong. The top environmental problems are selfishness, greed, and apathy, and to deal with these we need a spiritual and cultural transformation. And we scientists don’t know how to do that.”— Gus Speth, American environmental attorney and past dean of the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies

Foundational wisdom can guide and teach: “(to) our brothers and sisters out there, get to know where you live, because it’s place-based. The land is alive, the rivers are alive, the living systems are alive, the birds and the fish – everything communicates. Don’t see yourself as a human being as elitist and above other living systems.” – Dr. Anne Poelina, Indigenous community leader, human and earth rights advocate.

The Regenerative Playbook seeks to help businesses and organisations translate foundational wisdom into their own culture, to deliver regenerative practice that sticks.

Anna Williamson

Subscribe now

For more information on the Regenerative Playbook see Regen/ Notes 32

And the reviews are in … 

I’m up to my eyeballs with Zoom which I love but the most nourishing has been your zRegen series – really fantastic to meet such a broad selection of people with such wonderful ideas. This sense of accessibility and advocacy to wider networks is really very core.  John Ennis

A jewel of a book, a guide for the future, a blueprint for change…however you describe it, this is a publication that anyone that cares about where we go from here should own and read! What a great collaboration! I’ll share the Regenerative Playbook far and wide. Terry John

On the zoom regen (Playbook) meeting with some amazing collaborations and working at going about things a different way. Excellent meeting of the mind and spirit of regeneration. A very fulfilling engagement indeed.  Walter Lourie

Thank you for both hosting such an energising evening yesterday, and for forwarding a link to join as well … the uplift was exactly what I needed. Look forward to seeing what comes next – all the very best. Scott McAulay

I am part of a postgraduate (Building Beyond Borders)and we will have an exhibition in Belgium together with the studio BC architects soon in april. Its about experimenting with regenerative / circular/ biodiversity positive/ waste materials within the postgraduate studio of Building Beyond Borders. One part of the exhibition is a library of books that works inspiring for the visitor. Maybe this regenerative playbook can be presented as well. Jasper Goris

I love that point about mindful connection being the start. Emphasises that it’s a daily mindset habit and not something you do as a wellbeing modality. Great conversation everyone. An antidote to the bleakness of events in the last few days. It’s so good to be part of a network of hopeful, positive, heartful and mindful people. I was thinking this morning how the playbook looks like the wisdom cards I use with my students when I teach meditation. It has that spirit of ‘invitations to reflect’. Beautiful. Sophie Lacey

100 copies for Belgium! Alexander Mijts

I’ve just seen the playbook. Congratulations – it’s excellent. Chloe Bullock

Definitely will work as a conversation starter in class! Congrats on your achievements with this book. Giovanna Di Monte-Milner

Just what I needed today after the devastation of floods pushing the war down the front pages of the news today… sigh. There is a better world out there – lets help concrete it 🙂 Caroline Pidcock

Thank you so much for this inspiring and hopeful book launch! I look forward to the hard copy book (and will start reading the soft copy) 😉 Britt Puhlmann

It was a lovely event last night. Thought provoking conversations in the company of good and supportive humans was just what we needed after the last few days. Well done for launching the playbook. Ordered it and will review soon!  Oliver Riley

Wonderful conversations and observations as ever! Well done to Martin Brown and Anna Williamson & congratulations on the Regenerative PlaybookAnn Vanner

Great publication Martin. Well done. Inspiring as ever! Vassos Chrysostomou.

Would be great to share it in The Ecosystem Incubator, as we are bridging a lot there – and good to give to clients too. Rachel Sheila Kan

Downloaded and have to agree it is a great read. A thought provoking read too. Michael McGowan


If all this sounds good you can access your copy of The Regenerative Playbook here. (And no, you won’t be bombarded with emails if you complete the contact form)

If you’d like a hard copy, or to order multiple copies for company libraries and reception areas, please get in touch and we can quote you – and we are only looking to cover printing, postage and admin costs.